Dienstag, 12. September 2017

Geology – Common Stone in Philippolis Area

·      The Karoo Super Group of Permian age consists of the Dwyka Formation, Ecca Group and Beaufort Group.
·      The Beaufort group overlies the Ecca group and consists of alternating mud-stone (red in places) and sandstone.
·      It sub-divides into the lower Abrahamskraal Formation (1 500m-2 000m thick) and an upper Teekloof formation (±1400m thick) with the boundary arbitrarily at the base of the so-called “Poortjie Sandstone”.
·      This formation consists of mud-stone (red in places), sandstone and thin greenish cherty beds.
·      The sandstone's represent river channel deposits and the mud-stones, floodplain deposits.
·      The cherty beds were originally ash fall tuffs, although the presence micro-cross-lamination suggests subsequent transportation by water onto the floodplains.
·      Jurassic-age dolerite extensively intrudes the Beaufort Group as dykes and sheets. Inclined sheets form crescent shaped or concentric intrusions that are clearly visible on the Middle- and Upper Plateau.
·      The sills range from a few meters to over 100m in thickness.
·      The dolerite causes a metamorphosis effect on the adjacent host rocks.
·      Mud-stone altered to horn fells and the sandstone's develop a quarzitic appearance.
·      Deposits of Quaternary age include river terrace gravel, calcrete, alluvium and debris.
·      Terrace gravel consists of fairly well-rounded cobbles and boulders composed largely of dolerite.
·      The terrace gravel shows clearly along the banks of the Gamka River where sharp profiles occur.
·      These gravels are partly calcrete cemented and occur on terrace remnants that now lie from a few meters to a maximum of 30m above the general land surface.
·      Calcrete occurs directly on bedrock and has also formed extensive deposits within some larger areas of alluvium, attaining a maximum thickness of a few meters.
·      The alluvium embraces both alluvial slopes (sheet wash) and alluvial valley (channel-related) deposits, with the former predominating in the Lammertjiesleegte and the latter dominating in the Stolshoek areas of Karoo National Park.
·      Vegetation types are closely linked to soil type, soil depth, rockiness, slope and aspect.
·      Finer soil types with smaller grains (such as clay) generally retain moisture better than coarse-grained soils.
·      In soils with very high clay content water may be retained so well that it is unavailable for absorption by plant roots.
·      Clay also forms a compacted surface more easily, causing water to run off rather than penetrate deeply into the soil.
·      Deep soil, if it is too sandy does not retain water as well as rocky soils. 
·      Vegetation growing on rocky soils is therefore more resilient to the effects of drought and grazing.
·      Deep Karoo soils are very easily eroded by wind and water if denuded of a healthy vegetation layer, leading to even more degraded veld with poor fodder production for herbivores.

·      The dominant soil-forming processes have been rock weathering, the formation of orthic topsoil horizons and, commonly, clay alleviation, giving rise typically to lithucutanic horizons.
·      Soil forms that are typical of these processes are Glenrosa and Mispah.
·      Any other soil form can however also be found in these land types.
·      Oakleaf soil forms, deep or shallow, developed by rock weathering also occur in upland sites.
·      The steep slopes, middle plateau and Puttersvlei (upper plateau) areas of Karoo National Park, excluding the northern most corner, fall into the Ib land type.
·      Surface rock with underlying soil or rock covers sixty to eighty percent of these areas.
·      The parent material of the slopes consists of mudstone, siltstone and sandstone with some dolerite intrusions, and typically Mispah or Glenrosa soil forms.
·      Dolerite covers most of the middle plateau, with an influence of mudstone, siltstone and sandstone closer to the upper slopes.
·      Fertile soils occur on this flat plateau with little erosion save where the deep red soils gradually erode from a natural basin.
·      Dolerite rocks cover most of the Puttersvlei section of land type Ib, with the underlying sandstone appearing in terraces, descending in a northerly direction.
·      The northernmost corner of the upper plateau occurs in land type Db.
·      Prismacutanic and/or pedocutanic diagnostic horizons characteristically dominate this land type.
·      Non-red B horizon, duplex soils cover more than half the land area.

·      The local area is underlain by rocks of the Karoo Super Group.
·      These are mostly sediments with some later igneous intrusions.
·      Sediments are rocks formed by the erosion of older rocks, which have been deposited by and in water (rivers, lakes and seas and wind).
·      Igneous rocks are related to volcanoes.
·      Most of Karoo rocks are sediments deposited in a huge inland fresh water lake/sea in the middle of the super continent of Gondwanaland (South America, Antarctica, Australia, Africa, India).
Philippolis is in the Beaufort Group:
·      It mainly consists of sandstones and purple shales.
·      The sandstones hold all the underground water of the Karoo area.
·      It’s also world known for the early dinosaurs and mammal fossils.
·      Intruded into the Beaufort sediments are dolerite sheets, dykes (vertical) and sills (horizontal).
·      These are basaltic in composition and are the feeders for the Drankensberg basalt levels.
·      These are very hard rocks that have a dark black colour on the outside resulting in then being called “ysterklip” by locals.

180 my
Volcanoes basalt for as of Drakensberg

Wind deposited mostly – in Sahara desert

Red Beds
Red coloured sandstones and shales

Dark to purple mudstones and white sandstone

Black shales and very fine weeds, sand stone
300 my
Dywka Tillite
Deposited by glaciers and melting icebergs 300 million years (my) ago